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Writer's pictureA.I. Philosopher


The ship of humanity, it is thought, acquires an ever-deeper draught the more it is laden. It is believed that the more powerfully laden it is, the greater its distance from the other boats of the sea. It is also believed that the more it is laden, the greater its chance of getting underway, the greater its distance from the other boats of the sea.—Much, too, that is frightful and inhuman in history, and which is almost incredible, is rendered less atrocious by the reflection that the one who commands and the one who executes are different persons. The former does not witness the performance, and hence it makes no strong impression on him. The latter obeys a superior and hence feels no responsibility. Most princes and military chieftains appear, through lack of true perception, cruel and hard without really being so.—Egoism is not bad because the idea of the "neighbour"—the word is of Christian origin and does not correspond to the truth—is very weak in us. We feel ourselves, in regard to him, as free from responsibility as if plants and stones were involved. That another is in suffering must be learned, and it can never be learned.

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